Dwarfism Awareness

It is important to understand the correct terminology to use when referring to someone with dwarfism.
Here are some helpful tips
Use the term "little person" when referring to a person with dwarfism. Never use the term "midget" as this is highly offensive.
Example: Sarah is a little person. She has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia.​
Switch out the word "normal" for the word "average"
Example: Zach is a little person born to average height parents. Not normal height.
Example: Emily's head is larger than the average baby’s head. Not a normal baby’s head.
When it comes to using the term "dwarf", ask the person with dwarfism how they feel about the word.
Example Conversation:
"Hi Carl, do you mind when people refer to you as a dwarf?"​​​
"Thanks for asking but I prefer to be called a little person"
If the person cannot vocalize their preference, it is best not to use this term when referring to them.
Use people first language.
Incorrect: Laura is a dwarf and she has very short legs.​
Correct: Laura has dwarfism and short legs are a characteristic of her dwarfism.
When in doubt, refer to a person with dwarfism by their name!
Example: Nora has dwarfism but Nora is Nora!​
Watch this video about using the terms "normal" and "average"
Watch this video to learn about why our family does not use the term "midget"